There are roughly 50 dolphins in The Cove as I type this. My heart weighs heavy like it always does when I find out dolphins are in The Cove. I always find myself scrambling for words on days like this. I sat down last night and wrote many letters to the embassies and today I will call. I ran across a great letter to copy and send to the embassies. I was given permission to post it on my blog. I will post it at the bottom of this post. So please COPY/PASTE/SEND I also have a list of many Japanese embassies and if you would like it please leave a comment with your email address.
If your reading this I want you to imagine Fathers, Mothers (swimming with there babies)Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters. Imagine that your one of them.A huge family living peacefully together.
Then I want you to imagine monsters come along chase you into confinement, leave you there for a day scared to death. And then kidnap a family member or members and after that horror they stab each one of your family members including you. You watch each one of your family members bleeding to death. Your laying in there blood and who knows how long it will take you to die.
Some people think that this is not our battle. Think about this...we live in a symbiotic relationship with all that surrounds us. We as people share this beautiful earth we live on. So when one country is effecting the rest of the world it is our RESPONSIBILITY to put a stop to it.
I have a voice and I have chosen to use it. Why don't you?
Japan claims this is tradition:
The Oikomi drive only started in 1972. Before that dolphins were not hunted in an organized way. This is no tradition, this is money making and selling of mercury tainted meat to unsuspecting Japanese and our (Japanese) Gov't accepting the poisoning of people.
Be lauded by exhibiting one of the greatest virtues – Mercy
...Dear Reader of this message and proud citizen of Japan,
I thank you sincerely for taking the time to read this message.
I understand that every culture is different. I have gained a great admiration for Japan and the Japanese culture and history through many years of Asian studies and time spent in Asia.
I would like to respectfully ask that you end the Dolphin killings in Taiji. I understand that this is part of your culture. However, as the world shrinks, Taiji has become the focal point for millions of people all over the world. For many, this is the only thing they know about Japan. I know your astounding culture and history and do not want for people to think that Japan is only famous for killing dolphins.
There are two more reasons I would like for you to consider.
1) The emotional attachment and meaning of dolphins in many cultures across the planet. Dolphins are the symbol of hope, healing, joy and intelligence in many cultures. By killing them, the spirit of these cultures is damaged. We all need hope. I respectfully request that you allow the many millions of people to preserve their hope and spirit by not killing dolphins.
2) Animal cruelty is an issue across the entire planet. I have seen too many people devastated by the Taiji dolphin killings. They are so demoralized that they cannot see the cruelty that is done to animals in their country, city and neighborhood. Innocent and magnificent animals' lives are ended by men's hand by the thousands every minute across the world in animal shelters, bull fights, cock fights, dog fights and other unspeakable animal cruelty. Animals that have great capacity to teach humans about kindness, dedication, grace and compassion lose their lives every minute for nothing. The fishermen in Taiji are no more responsible than the farmers breeding magnificent bulls whose only destiny is to be killed in a grueling and unfair fight. Taiji happens to be in the limelight more than any other animal cruelty. Please allow the fishermen of Taiji to gain another income so the world can refocus on righting cruelty across the world.
By stopping the killings of a few innocent and beautiful animals, you can bring about change for this world that is far greater than the impact that a lifeless body of a dolphin baby in Taji could ever have.
Your power in this endeavor today is far greater than the power of most any country, regardless of size, money and power. As a result, your choices will have far greater implications on all of our futures. Whenever and wherever we take the time to listen, nature is showing us ways to create a better future for our offspring, future and planet.
I respectfully invite you to join this journey. The impact of your choices will cause shifts for your unborn generations as much as for mine.
I thank you for your time, thought and deliberation and remain respectfully yours, <<
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