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Thursday, December 30, 2010

At a Loss

I haven't blogged for a few weeks. I guess I just am at a loss for words. It has been 10 days since any dolphins have been driven into the cove. Which is a very nice and welcome relief. But I will never be truly relieved until the killing stops. I think about all the dolphins that have lost there lives already and the ones taken for a miserable life in captivity. I will continue to fight and raise awareness. I know that it is easy to relax and enjoy the days when there are no dolphins being murdered, but on those days we need to continue to make phone calls, write emails and continue to spread the word. We never want them to think for a second that we have forgotten.

In recent discovery the cove guardians have found a secluded pool and hidden behind a tall fence holding 1 lonely dolphin. We all believe this dolphin was left in this pool to die a slow and painful death. My guess is that it either won't preform for them or it has became ill and they don't want to spend the time and energy on saving it.

In this video they show you all the contact Info: for the Dolphin base. Please call and e-mail. I plan to send a letter every hour today.

I believe there is a special place in hell for people who torture, abuse and neglect animals.

There has been a lot said on how the cove guardians are handling things. People are angry that they don't do more to rescue the dolphins. Or questions on why they haven't cut the nets.
I would first like to say if you think you could do a better job, THEN GO THERE! Quit blabbing your mouths and do something. I love how people sit at there computer and talk shit about the way things are being done.
I support 100% how the cove guardians are handling things. If we go to Japan and break the law then what good does that do. The laws have to change there in order for these atrocities to stop. Going there an causing trouble will only make things worse. So in stead of judging try being supportive. After all we are all on the same team.

I would like to end this by Thanking all the people who have donated money for my trip.
Thank you to My family for being so supportive.
Thank you to all my wonderful new friends that I have met along the way.
Thank you to the Guardians who spent the Holidays away from there family and friends.
And Thank you to all that make phone calls, write letters, protest, and that continue to spread awareness.

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