Yesterday a huge FAMILY of dolphins were driven into the cove. Its always tense and devastating as read my facebook to find out the updates from Taiji. There were a few days that dolphins were not in the cove. I think everyone needed those few days to refuel. As soon as I heard that they were driving in a very large family I started writing E-mails and I made some phone calls as I always do. When I call the Denver Consulate I always speak with a person first then they send me to a voicemail. I ask the gentleman what his thoughts were on the murders in Taiji, He said "I'm not at liberty to say, But I understand where your coming from". Then I asked him if he was from Japan. His answer was No I just work here. I told him some facts and my thoughts and then let him send me to voicemail. I was taken back because the voice mails message was.
If you are calling in regards to the Dolphin hunt in Taiji please leave you name and number. If you are not a Colorado resident your calls will be screened out.
I am glad that an actual person answers the phone, which gave me the opportunity to voice my concerns/opinions. I am also glad that they are receiving so many calls that they felt they had to dedicate a line for us. Although I still feel its there way of not dealing with us either.
I went to bed last night with a heavy heart. When things like this happen its just makes me that much more determined to reach my goal. Then I woke up to find this horribly sad video that a cove guardian name Martyn took. You can feel his emotion, and it immediately put me in tears.
This video will be in the next post, I am having a hard time embedding it.
Please also consider donating. There are so many who can find the time to go, I have the time Just trying to raise the money to be able to go. I would love to answer questions or even have a phone conversation with anyone who is skeptical about donating. My E-mail is neyney23@comcast.net feel free to email me anytime.
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