I apologize for being so silent lately. To be honest it was nice having a little break from all the heartache. Unfortunately it didn't last long enough. Scott West with Sea Shepherd has returned to Taiji in the past couple days, only to discover that they continue to kill. When he arrived at the Cove he discover 50-80 Pilot whales trapped in nets with no way out. When morning arrived they started killing them by 5's. This is horrible and my heart breaks for this family.
I just don't get how these men that live in a country that just went through a horrific natural disaster could continue to be so greedy and have absolutely no compassion.
Well Japan the world has shown you compassion by helping out your country during this horrible time. Don't you think its about time you show a little compassion yourself.
I would also like to address something that someone brought to my attention yesterday by an anonymous comment. I posted a blog a while ago regarding the earth quake and tsunami in Japan. I was contemplating going to Japan to help victims of the tsunami. I have many supporters of my trip to Japan, and simply posted that blog for everyone that has donated to me. I wanted input. I have had only one complete stranger donate to me and the rest have been Family and friends. I am not sure if ANONYMOUS was the donor that I have never met, but I assure you that my number 1 mission is to help stop the slaughter of dolphins and help conserve our oceans. Please feel free to contact me by my personal e-mail if you have any concerns about my mission. I would be happy to talk to anyone and everyone! neyney23@comcast.net
Just an FYI. I have deleted that post because this person is right it is not fair to those whom have donated, for me to think about doing anything else other then trying to put a stop to the slaughter. I am just a very compassionate person and sometimes that makes me think to fast and make wrong decisions.
Please take a few moments today and call a few Embassies and Consulants. Ask them politely to stop the slaughter, tell them your concerns about the high levels of mercury, and possible radiation.