My passion is not just for dolphins and whales, it is for the oceans and every living thing that keeps it alive. The dolphin hunt may have ended for the season in Taiji and the Whales in the southern sanctuary are safe for now, but seals are being clubbed to death in Canada.
Hundreds of thousands of harp seal pups are in danger of being slaughtered. It’s the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world. And this is done for there fur. I am disgusted and appalled that anyone would want to design something or wear anything that is made of fur. Once again human GREED and SELFISHNESS.
The Dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan has come to an end a month early. Captain Paul Watson and his crew on the Sea Shepherd forced the Japanese whalers to end there hunt 6 weeks early. This is all fantastic news. I believe these are all great strides to end these atrocities for good. As these end, The Canadian Seal Slaughter has begin, Shark fining is still happening and Dall's Porpoises are still being harpooned of the coast of Japan. My point is that horrible things are still happening all around us and we must keep fighting for our Oceans.
I think often about my children's futures. What is this world going to be like when my grandchildren are growing up. Will man still be as destructive, or will man be working together to conserve whats left. Everyone needs to stand up and fight. Its not only about loving animals and believing they have a right to live, Its about this earth we all share with them. Find your passion and fight hard for it. If you choose to sit around and do nothing you might as well look at your children and apologize for not fighting for there future. A little girl once said "If you don't know how to fix it, Stop breaking it" I'm can't remember the little girls name but she gave an amazing speech and the quote sticks in my head.
As I continue my fight for ocean conservation, I also will continue to fight for Lolita's freedom. If you do not know Lolita's story I will post a video at the bottom of this post about her life. Lolita has been performing for 41 years at the Miami Seaquarium. Her tank by law is WAY to small. She has no other orcas with her. Orcas are very social creatures and need the company of another. My heart aches for Lolita.
This past week Lolitas show has been canceled. They say its becuase she has a infected tooth. This could kill her. She has been the longest living Orca in captivity. She has made the Seaquarium millions. She deserves to be free. Her family still resides in the Puget sound. A sea pin has already been purchased, Scientist and Marine biologist all agree Lolita can be set free. A million dollars has been offered for her, but turned down. And As I type this Activists are trying to raise 3 million for her freedom. Please Join the fight for Lolita.